
Sabine Sommer-Lolei

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Sabine Sommer-Lolei
is PhD student at the University of Vienna and recipient of a DOC-team fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Sabine Sommer-Lolei, born 1975 in Vienna, studied Linguistics and Spanish at the University of Vienna. She is a certified dyslexia and dyscalculia trainer. In 2016 she worked in a predoc position within the Comparative Psycholinguistics Research Group at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Vienna. In January 2017 she was employed as a Predoc Researcher at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In October 2017 she was granted a DOC-team-fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. She is currently writing her dissertation on “Early acquisition of German word formation”. Her main research areas are psycholinguistics, in particular first language acquisition of morphology and word formation, corpus linguistics, neuro- and patholinguistics.
