
Farhangnevīs CD-ROM

Farhangnevīs CD-ROM
Datenbank zu Uto von Melzers lexikographischen Materialien Persisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Persisch
1. Auflage, 2007
Since 1996, the Institute of Iran Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (in particular Dr. Dr. h.c. Nosratollah Rastegar) and the Institute for Linguistics of the University of Graz have worked on the posthumous editing of the manuscripts of the Austrian Iranist Uto v. Melzer. The materials for a Persian-German dictionary were collected and have now been published in form of a book and a database on CD-ROM for scientific use. The dictionary is not only of interest for German-language institutes of Iran and Indo-European Studies, but also internationally, as what marks the database are not the translations, but the extensive collection and the systemizing of the Persian words, making the publication an essential reference work. The CD-ROM contains the remarkable total of 76,000 keywords, as it not only includes the classical literary vocabulary, but also the contemporary (of the time of Melzer) scientific and journalistic vocabulary.
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