Repertorium der griechischen und lateinischen Inschriften aus Mysien
Teil 3
This is the third and last volume of the “Repertorium” of the Greek and Latin inscriptions from Mysia. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the history and topography of Kyzikos. Today, only the pillars of the amphitheatre remain of the city, which according to Strabo (12.8.11) “can compete with the first cities of Asia in size, beauty and good organization for peace and war”; much of it was carried off to Constantinople for the construction of the palaces. In addition, on the basis of literary sources, the controversially discussed questions concerning the location of the city (island or peninsula?), the three harbours of Kyzikos, and the construction of the bridges and canals, made unusable during the siege by Mithridates in 73 BC and repaired 100 years later by Antonia Tryphaina, are discussed. The literary sources are collected with context and translation, and a sketch plan shows the current state of the ancient remains. Chapter 2 contains new inscriptions (addenda), chapter 3 concordances (publications, sources, sites and ancient places), chapter 4 indices (topography, agons, calendar, myth and religion, persons and facts of history, index of all personal names, subject index, Greek and Latin words).
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Holzhausen-Legat der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften