
Die Grabbaureliefs (zweiter Teil) des Stadtgebietes von Flavia Solva

Die Grabbaureliefs (zweiter Teil) des Stadtgebietes von Flavia Solva
Unter Mitarbeit von Ortolf Harl und Friederike Harl (Abbildungen), Margaretha Pochmarski-Nagele (Objektaufnahme)
1. Auflage, 2024
Following the previous volume (CSIR IV 4), this 5th fascicle of the CSIR Austria IV deals with the second part of the funerary reliefs from the territory of Flavia Solva. The thematic organization begun in the previous fascicle is now continued with the treatment of reliefs depicting the goddess Aphrodite (Venus), mourning genii and Erotes, sea creatures and dolphins, other mythological depictions, depictions from the Trojan legends, "historical" funerary reliefs, reliefs depicting hunting, architectural reliefs and decorative reliefs, and is concluded with the treatment of reliefs without a sepulchral context.
Supported by: DDr. Franz-Josef Mayer-Gunthof Wissenschafts- und Forschungsstiftung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
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