
Die ersten Infektions- oder Pestordnungen in den österreichischen Erblanden, im Fürstlichen Erzstift Salzburg und im Innviertel im 16. Jahrhundert

Die ersten Infektions- oder Pestordnungen in den österreichischen Erblanden, im Fürstlichen Erzstift Salzburg und im Innviertel im 16. Jahrhundert
1. Auflage, 2008
All orders and rules concerning infections (especially the plague) in the Austria of the 16th century found in the archives of Austria, Southern Tyrolia, the former Austrian "Vorlande", Slovenia, Hungary and Bavaria were investigated and are stated in the book. The first ones for Graz, Innsbruck, Wien, Salzburg and Innviertel go back to 1521, 1534, 1540, 1547 and 1585 respectively. Causes of the appearance of the plague were considered to be the just anger of God, evil air, foodstuff, grown in this air, earth-quakes, meteoric occurrences and persons afflicted with plague. Accordingly religious acts were recommended primarily, but as well provisions for improvement of the air and accurate choice of foodstuff should be taken. To avoid the contact with infected patients the healthy persons should flee and the infected ones must be isolated. For the sake of isolated patients certain persons were charged with special duties as coordinators, physicians, blood-letters, carriers, assistants, priests and gravediggers. If possible the patients should be admitted to lazarettos or to so called "Bruderhäuser" (arsylams for poor people) and all gatherings of people were forbidden. It is striking that in the infection orders of the 16th century many expressions were used in the middle-high German language which are explained in the attached glossary.
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978-3-7001-6064-9, Print, softcover, 07.05.2008
1. Auflage
80 Pages

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